- Application to Involve Human Subjects in Research [Formato *.pdf]
- Benefits and Challenges for the Online Learner – Prof. Héctor Álvarez Trujillo [Formato *.pdf]
- Certificación CITI [Formato *.pdf]
- Cultural Diversity in Education: Deciphering the Code or “Where’s the Beef?” – Dr. Ray Petty, EdD [Formato *.pdf]
- Fulbright Scholar Program Innovations Spotlight: Flex Grants In order to engage U.S. scholars currently unable to spend extended periods of time abroad, the Fulbright Program welcomes applications from scholars who propose multiple stays of one to three months in the host country over a period of two to three years. The total proposed visits should equal approximately one semester of exchanges.
- Instrucciones generales para registrarse en CITI – Preparado por el Dr. Marcos Torres Nazario Ed.D. IR Certificate
- Invitación a someter propuestas para proyectos de investigación sobre educación superior [Formato *.pdf]
- La educación del futuro, el futuro de la educación – por el Dr. Manuel Bahamonde [Formato *.pdf]
- Propuestas de Investigación – por la Dra. María Santiago León [Formato *.pdf]