During the 2019-2020 academic year, TEP faculty members developed a matrix of competences based on the TEP graduate profile and courses. The professors determined the competence, the assessment activity, defined the matrix, defined the instrument to evaluate the assessment, administered the activity, evaluated the results and established corrective measures if necessary. For
TEP Program use Tk20 for the assessment process. The program is an online tool by Watermark use by TEP Program for students to help them for prepare to become professionals, educators, and leaders. Tk20 is also used to collect, manage, analyze, and report data needed for program improvement.
The table below summarizes Student Learning Outcomes (SLO) by nowledge, skills and attitude with their aligned courses and results for the 2019-2020 academic year.
Outcomes | Courses | Results |
SLO 1: Knowledge | EDUC 2031, EDUC 2021, EDUC 2022 | Met |
SLO 2: Knowledge | EDUC 3188, ENGL, 3400, EDUC 4552 | Met |
SLO 3: Knowledge | EDUC 1080 | Met |
SLO 4: Knowledge | EDUC 3570 | Partially Met |
SLO 5: Knowledge | EDUC 3053 | Met |
SLO 6: Skills | ENGL 3073, ENGL 3320, ENGL 4073, EDUC 3420 | Partially Met |
SLO 7: Skills | EDUC 2055 | Met |
SLO 8: Skills | EDUC 3013, ENGL, 3330, ENGL 3350 | Met |
SLO 9: Skills | EDUC 3440, EDUC 4011 | Partially Met |
SLO 10: Skills | EDUC 2057, EDUC 4012 | Met |
SLO 11: Skills | EDUC 2060 | Met |
SLO 12: Skills | EDUC 2906 | In progress |
SLO 13: Skills | EDUC 1080 | In progress |
SLO 14: Attitude | EDUC 3015 | In progress |
SLO 15: Attitude | EDUC 3015 | In progress |
SLO 16: Attitude | EDUC 1080 | In progress |
SLO 17: Attitude | EDUC 4013 | In progress |